When Irish Eyes Are Smiling Read online

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  "I could really go for some Steak Pizziola." I said huskily and had to clear my throat to continue. "I know this really great Italian place that's only a couple of blocks away." I looked back at him but avoided staring into his eyes. "This place, Buon Mangia, is the best. They have the greatest Veal Parmigiana and their Lasagna is to die for." I could feel a smile spreading across my face as enthusiasm for introducing Devlin to my favorite restaurant took hold of me.

  I stood too quickly, making the room seesaw for a few seconds, and I had to lean over and grab the table to keep my balance. "Whew...head rush," I said looking at Devlin and laughing lightly. I straightened up slowly, wary of making the same mistake twice. "Ok, all is right with the world once more. Let's go," I grinned and headed for the door, and was pleased when he followed me onto the street.

  As we walked down the block Devlin asked, "Are you sure we'll be able to get a table if this place is as good as you say?"

  "Don't worry about it, Dev. The owners are good friends of mine. I helped them out with some legal troubles they were having while I was in law school. Pro bono, of course, since I hadn't taken the Bar yet. The only time I have to wait for a table is when they're swamped."

  I held the door for him this time and followed behind, using the opportunity to admire the way his jeans clung to his ass. The seam sank slightly between his cheeks, defining them and making my fingers itch with a desire to follow it. I stepped up beside him as we came to the hostess' podium and saw Lucia heading our way with a big smile.

  "Joel, how are you tonight?" she inquired, hugging me warmly and kissing my cheek. "Hmmm...someone smells very good tonight," She teased, with a wink. "Is it a table for two this evening?" her brow arched as she glanced at Devlin and I knew what she was asking. She wanted to know if Devlin was my date.

  "Yes, please, Lucia. We're famished," I replied, giving her a nearly indiscernible shake of the head, while quirking my mouth subtly in a negative way. I knew that she understood the message because I could see a trace of sadness enter her deep brown eyes, but her smile never faltered. She was like a sister to me and constantly nagged me to date more, to be more aggressive and stop being shy.

  "Well, I'll take you to your favorite table. It happens to be free at the moment." She showed us to a table in the back corner, where it was secluded by placement of a large, potted tree which acted like a partition. She lit the candle in the middle of the table while we got comfortable. "I know you'll be having the Steak Pizziola with a Scotch, Joel, but what would you like, sir?" she asked Devlin, holding out a menu for him.

  "How do you know that's what I want, Lucia?" I asked incredulously.

  "Because, that's what you always order when you've been drinking. I know you're not going to want any wine this evening because you've already been drinking Scotch and you never mix distilled and fermented alcohol," She replied matter-of-factly then looked back at Devlin with a grin.

  He had chosen, again, to take the seat next to me rather than the one across from me, but I'd had enough to drink that I was incapable of being nervous about his proximity. Leaning over so that I could stage whisper to him I said, "Get the steak, Dev. You won't regret it." When he looked up at me from the menu, I realized how much I was invading his space because we were nearly nose-to-nose. I leaned back in my seat, trying to make the move look natural.


  The Guinness was affecting me as much as Joel's scotch seemed to be affecting him, but I managed to maintain myself, standing up tall and walking straight to the restaurant. I was able to glance subtly at Joel along the way and my body was yearning to touch and taste him. I'd never been to Buon Mangia, even though it was in our neighborhood. I'd passed it many times and wondered if the food was any good. It was clear when we walked in and were seated that this was one of Joel's favorite restaurants.

  The waitress knew exactly what Joel would be having and looked over to me, grinning while handing me a menu. I opened it and began perusing the offerings, trying to decide. Joel leaned into me, his thigh pressing tighter against mine as he suggested I order the steak. At least, I think that's what he said; I was lost in his eyes and in his scent. It'd been a long time since I'd yearned for the smell of another man and it was going straight to my cock. Joel had gotten so close I thought that maybe he'd lost his shyness. Our lips were within inches and I involuntarily licked over my lower before swallowing hard. I forced my eyes away from Joel and towards the waitress, "I'll have the steak and a glass of red wine, please." I turned back to Joel, winking at him with a smile.

  Dinner was fantastic and the conversation even better. I found myself falling more and more for Joel and hoped the feeling was mutual. We both got to know each other a little better, although, it still seemed too awkward for me to let on how much I wanted him naked, in my bed. There was something so sexual about him that I remained aroused throughout dinner. I would rub myself when I thought he wouldn't see, trying to readjust myself to be more comfortable.

  As dinner came closer to an end and I had downed plenty of wine, I became a bit more playful, wanting to be a little more obvious in what I was doing. I made more of an effort to rub my thigh along his and I'd let my hand stay on my crotch until I was sure Joel had noticed. If I was reading Joel correctly, he was aroused too. The waitress stopped by, suggesting the dessert for two. I saw Joel's mouth open, but I quickly agreed she should bring us an order. I ordered a glass of brandy along with dessert while Joel opted for coffee.

  When the dessert arrived, I took a spoonful and lifted it to Joel's lips, while my other hand brushed against his upper back, my arm resting on his chair. "The...uh...first bite should be yours, since you were so nice to introduce this place to me." My cock jerked as I watched his lips open and slowly take the spoon into his mouth. I let my fingers lightly graze across his back hoping I was not coming on too strong. I imagined the dessert being my cock, his soft lips pressing against the head, his mouth slowly taking me in. I could feel my body begin to perspire and knew my scent was getting stronger. I set the spoon down and took a hefty swallow of my brandy before ordering another.

  While the waitress went for a fresh brandy, Joel turned to me, his thigh making firm contact with my knee. He leaned in close, his forearm braced on the table in front of me. With his lips only a couple of inches from my ear he spoke, his voice husky and his warm breath washing over my ear and neck, sending shivers down my back.

  "You realize that this isn't a dessert intended for two people, don't you? It's meant for a couple."

  I wasn't sure how to respond to Joel's comment, except to smile and take another spoonful of dessert, this time bringing it to my own lips. I let my tongue snake out and lick the creamy delight before opening my lips, just as slowly as Joel had done moments earlier. I held my mouth more open, tilted my head back and the spoon up, letting Joel watch it slide into my mouth. I swear I heard a soft moan escape his lips. Closing my mouth around the spoon, I moaned in appreciation of the taste. Slowly, I pulled the spoon out while sucking on it; then I licked both sides until it was completely clean of any creaminess.

  We slowly and seductively shared the rest of the dessert, my brandy glass was empty and the waitress had brought the check over. I reached for my back pocket and retrieved a credit card before Joel could reach for his. Placing the wallet back, I turned to Joel, one arm still on the back of his chair as I placed my other hand on his thigh giving it a slight squeeze. I leaned in close enough to gather another sniff of his body before looking into his eyes. "How about we move this back to my place?" I stood up making a mental note of how I had to use my hand on the table to balance myself and suddenly wished I had not downed all the alcohol. I waited as Joel looked up at me as if he was deciding what to do next.


  What had begun as a physical attraction was becoming more the longer I spent with Devlin. The more we talked, the more I liked him. He was funny, charming, witty and so very pleasant to look at. He kept touching me all through the meal, keepi
ng me in a constant state of arousal, and I began to suspect that he might be doing it deliberately when I noticed that he kept adjusting himself under the table.

  When Lucia came around and asked if we wanted the Dessert for Two, I gave her a look, but Devlin spoke before I could and she went off with a smirk on her face. I was surprised when he fed me the first bite, and even more surprised by how flustered he looked, setting the spoon down and reaching for his brandy. Suddenly feeling wicked and playful, I leaned in close to tell him about the dessert he'd ordered for us.

  I thought I saw a flash of surprise in his eyes, but then he smiled and deliberately taunted me with the way he ate his bite. It had to have been deliberate because no one could have accidentally eaten like that after what I'd said. The sight went straight to my groin and my lips, still parted when he held up the next spoonful for me to take, opened further to let him slip the spoon into my mouth a second time. Was he really going to feed me through the whole dessert? He was and he did.

  Nothing stunned me more than when he paid for the meal, until he put his hand on my leg and invited me back to his place. It seemed that his intentions were unmistakable, but we'd both drank so much that I still worried that I was reading him wrong. I was trying to read his expression as he stood there, waiting for me to stand, and couldn't. However, I couldn't mistake the hard on that rested behind his zipper. Everything that I thought of to say sounded lame so I opted to simply nod.

  I stood, pulled my wallet, put a generous tip on the table for Lucia, and then led the way to the door. As we stepped back onto the street, Devlin stumbled into me and I caught him. The full torso contact felt like an electric jolt and it took several seconds before it occurred to me that I should let go of him. When I did, he continued clinging to me, as if he thought he would fall if he let go. His arms circled my chest, his palms flat against my back. I could feel goose bumps raise over my entire body and my cock throbbed painfully.

  "Come on, Devlin, let's go home," I said quietly, pulling one of his arms from around me and draping an arm across his shoulders to help support him as we walked. As it turned out, he supported me as much as I supported him as we staggered, slightly, down the two blocks to our apartment building.

  The joyful flush I felt when I suddenly realized that our bodies fit perfectly together told me that I'd gone beyond infatuation at some point during the dessert. I was falling hard and fast, without a safety net and nothing in sight to grab a hold of to check my descent. I couldn't bring myself to do the only thing that would protect my heart from the ravages of a straight man playing at being gay. I couldn't make myself push him away, and I simply wasn't capable of walking away. I knew it would be nothing more than the illusion of what I was craving, but even so, a mirage could be powerful. He'd probably hate me come morning, but I'd have tonight to help me through the next few months of loneliness.

  I brought us to a sudden stop when I realized that we'd almost walked right past our building and turned us toward the door. It took me a couple tries to get the key in the lock, but I managed and got us inside and over to the elevator. I leaned against the wall, with Devlin leaning against me, and jabbed the call button three or four times.


  Just as Joel had predicted, I was the idiot who stumbled his way home. Of course, by now I was inebriated enough to not care. Not only did I stumble, but it happened almost immediately. When Joel grabbed hold of me, our bodies came into full contact and I was finally able to know what he felt like, finally able to get my arms around him.

  He was first to let go while my grasp lingered. His chest rubbing mine and his face breathing on my neck felt so good. I could tell he was as aroused and had to give a little rub, crotch to crotch. If this was any indication, I knew we would be enjoying ourselves soon. I wanted to kiss him right there, but before I had the chance, he pushed me back and placed his arm around my shoulder to support my body as we walked.

  "I guess I am the drunk who stumbles home," I said with a grin. "Sorry about that."

  As we staggered our way to my apartment, I began to wonder what was happening between the two of us. We had been eyeing each other for a couple of months, neither one of us speaking to the other. Now, in just one day, I had found a terrific guy and found myself wanting him in my bed. I did realize, of course, that this attraction might not be mutual. Sure, he was aroused, but maybe he was just horny, maybe he wanted nothing more than sex. Maybe he wouldn't be spending the night.

  Joel directed us into our building and over to the elevators. I couldn't help but lean into him as we waited for it to arrive. Damn, he smelled and felt so good. This was my chance to let him know just where I stood.

  I saw him staring into my eyes with a look that told me he was about to say something. I pressed my finger against his lips and leaned in closer. My cock jerked as it rubbed his, feeling what he had to offer. I licked along his neck slowly until I got to his ear.

  "Joel, I'm bi, and to be honest, I am very into you tonight."

  I sucked on his neck as I heard the doors open. Taking Joel's hand in mine I pulled us into the elevator just before the doors closed. I fell into the back wall pulling him up tight against me.


  I pulled Joel against me, grinding our crotches together while running my hands down his back to grab his ass. I was beyond being horny. He squeezed his fingers between us, pressing against my chest, before I took hold and slid them lower, down the center of my body until reaching the bulge in my pants.

  "Feel how horny I am, Joel? Feel how hard I am from being with you?"

  I let out a soft moan as Joel rubbed and squeezed my cock. My lips were inches from his ear when I whispered that I wanted to feel his hands touch me there and to feel his mouth there too.

  We both jumped, startled, not expecting the elevator to arrive at my floor so soon. Joel quickly pulled away and turned, stepping out of the elevator. As my eyes watched his ass, I heard him ask if I was coming. I pushed myself off the elevator wall and led us to my apartment, giving him a view of my backside.

  Fumbling with my keys, I mentioned not being the best housekeeper. He reached around to help me insert the key, whispering in my ear that he wasn't here to see how clean I kept my place. I could feel his body heat and his hard cock rub against my hip.

  Once inside the apartment I got drinks, vodka for Joel and a beer for myself. I watched as he casually checked my place out before sitting on the sofa. He looked incredibly hot, sitting back, his legs spread wide as if he was inviting me to come and play.

  "Sorry, I don't keep scotch around," I apologized after giving him his drink.

  "That's ok," he replied, his eyes shifting from me to the drink in his hand. He brought it to his nose and sniffed. "Scotch is my preference, but vodka will do nicely," he continued, with a small smile and took a sip. I headed over to turn some music on, wondering what would be best. I turned to look back at Joel and saw him staring at me. Distracted and unable to decide what type of music he might like, I walked over and sat down next to him, giving his thigh a slap.

  "Joel, why don't you pick out the music, something you want to hear?"

  While he perused the music, I downed almost half my beer. My hand immediately went to his thigh, squeezing and running back and forth, as Van Morrison's honeyed tones began issuing from my surround speakers singing Into the Mystic. My eyes focused on his bulge as my hand made its way there. I was very drunk, very horny and didn't plan on much foreplay. I rubbed and squeezed his crotch, feeling his cock jerk before my hand wandered up to the buttons on his shirt.

  My hand ran over the smooth silk shirt, feeling his chest until I reached the highest button and slowly, one by one, undid them all. I pulled the shirt open, licking my lips at the view before allowing my hand to touch him. My fingers ran down the center all the way to his pants before returning upwards. I squeezed him and toyed with a nipple, feeling it get hard. I didn't say a word, didn't know what to say. My hand continued down over his abs, fing
ers following the trail his hair provided. I leaned in and licked the nipple closest to me. Joel moaned as he felt the rough texture of my tongue. We both moaned when I bit down on the nub, although I was moaning at the squeeze my cock just received. I felt my legs open as I licked my way to his other nipple. He continued rubbing and squeezing until it was too much for me.

  I pulled my mouth off his chest, sitting back with my legs spread. I asked Joel if he wanted to see it, to feel it. I placed an arm around his shoulder and arched my hips, grinding myself against his hand. His hand began undoing my belt, then the snap and zipper of my jeans. I moaned at the anticipation of him about to touch me.

  "C'mon, Joel, go ahead, I need to feel your hand wrap around my cock."


  I had Devlin's jeans open, the flaps of the fly laid back, and could see the ridge of his hard-on inside his underwear. I'd seen him putting these same boxer briefs on earlier in the locker room so I knew what his cock looked like soft; now I'd get to see it hard. He encouraged me to take him in my hand, his tone somewhere between demanding and pleading. I wanted a lot more than that and intended to have it. I kicked off my Birkenstocks and pushed the coffee table further away from the couch before rolling partially on top of him and sliding to the floor to kneel between his spread legs.